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Charitable Creatures


'Tina' is the enterprising young Manager of the local World Animal Trust branch, who raises awareness of current welfare issues and has the challenging task of supervising Barbara and Annabelle...


'Tina' is played by Stephanie Riches, a Manchester-based actress who has contributed to many North West based projects both on screen and stage.  Stephanie loves a good statistic and in her spare time can be found looking at pie charts and eating pancakes. Appearances include Co-Lab at the Royal Exchange, Panto 3MT and Manchester Passion.





Lynn Touil from Badgered

'Barbara' is a veteran volunteer at the World Animal Trust charity shop, she likes animals... but she loves a bargain. She is struggling with the menopause and middle of life and her husband 'Derrick' is also having a bit of a crisis...


'Barbara' is played by Lynn Touil who trained with Lamda and has worked as a Community/Youth Arts Worker in Drama, Music, Visual Arts and puppetry. She has been a member of Act up North, 'Angels on Fire' Comedy group and is currently attending 'Inspire Actors Studio' Manchester.  She has appeared as 'Rebecca Nurse' in 'The Crucible' at the Dance House Manchester, 'Sadie 'in 'Little Voice', 'Mrs. Wilberforce' in 'The Ladykillers' and received the Paula Higginbotham award for best comedy actress at the Theatre Royal, Ramsbottom.  She played 'Bev' in 'Shake it up Baby' by Susan Holder and 'Ann' in 'Will and Anne' at 3MT for the Manchester Shakespeare Company.

Spotlight 826-0198-8920

Pigeon fancier 'Mrs. Bailey' is a frequent customer for clothes and books from the charity shop and is rather wiffy.  A spinster and ex-head of English, she is extremely well read, but in retirement eccentricity has got the better of her, spending her days feeding pigeons and caring for their welfare.


'Chris' is 'Annabelle's' promising second date...


'Mrs. Bailey' and 'Chris' are played by Brian Madden, a Manchester based Irish actor who has recently turned his hand to writing. This is Brian's third time at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, having previously performed in 2014 and 2016. His most recent credits include The rugby Tour, Party Skills for the End of the World (Manchester International Festival), The Suppliant Women (Royal Exchange Manchester and various other projects.

Bradley Kerr from Badgered

By day 'Barry' is a Tantric Healer at the Well Women's Centre and by night he is the local coordinator for the Bat Protection League. He has something of the psychic vampire about him...


'Wilf' is a regular customer of the charity shop, bringing in items from a bygone age...


'Magda' is a mysterious new customer to the charity shop, running an eBay shop and 'Kitty Kat Krafts' stall on the market. She smells of 'catnip' and wears a fur coat of dubious origin...



'Barry', 'Wilf' & 'Magda' are all played by Bradley Kerr who began acting with the National Youth Theatre, David Johnson and The Contact Theatre's Young Actors Company. He has performed at The Lowry, The Dance House and recently in 'Dancing' by David Thame at 3MT.  Bradley is also a writer with an MA in Screenwriting from the University of Salford.

Diane Rimmer from Badgered


After a traumatic event involving her husband and a fish, 'Annabelle' feels abused and vulnerable heightening her existing empathy towards animal cruelty and an unhealthy obsession with Brian May.  Looking for a new purpose in life she volunteers for the World Animal Trust and has been persuaded to join a dating website…


Annabelle is played by Diane Rimmer  a new northern writer and actor passionate about animal welfare.  The original premise for the play was inspired by her mum who was a volunteer for the RSPCA for many years and she is married to a veterinary surgeon who shares the same concerns for animals welfare issues. She qualified from an acting degree in 2009 and has since worked in film, role play and writing and creating theatre.  

Theatre appearances include 'Poppy' in Afternoon tea, Buxton Fringe, Organised Chaos Theatre Company and 'Mrs. Pinner', Four Divorces and a WeddingThe Grand Lancaster, Lunchbox Theatre Company.

Stephanie Riches from Badgered

Luther Wells plays 'Constable Keane'. Graduating from the University of Salford in 2014, studying Media Performance. To further develop his acting for film training he attended Act Up North between 2014-2015.  In 2016 - 2017 Luther trained with One Take Wonders and  Both -Feet (a Meisner in practice company) in Manchester and Leeds. Theatre credits include Brad, 'Happyminds' Hospital, Stevie Helps Theatre Productions 2018, Brad in "Rachel" New Live Theatre at the Lowry 2018 and Idle Jack, Will Whittington and his Cat, Manchester Shakespeare Company  2017 

Luther Wells from Badgered
Brain Madden from Badgered
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